Saturday, July 13, 2019

In Your garden ....

Hanging Basket
 Relax and listen to the humming insects

The weather has a wide ranging effect on plants in the garden, which has been clearly visible over the last few months.  Think back to the long hot dry summer, the relatively mild winter, and the short sharp snow fall.
Everything was growing well, the young shoots on ivies and ferns were a delicate shade of green then there were the late frosts.  These seemed almost selective in which areas of the garden were touched and blackened.  The wisteria which had been growing in the same spot for years appeared dead with small black leaves, but having cut back these apparently dead branches the wood was alive.  Within a matter of weeks’ small new green shoots have appeared, the flush of new growth is wonderful.
As we are ending another spell of dry weather, it is amazing to see the effect of rain water on plants, followed by the sunshine The poppies white daisies, and pink clover are all delightful.
Potatoes, peas and tomatoes are all growing well, but with the rain also comes the slugs….
I enjoy observing the unexpected such as the nasturtiums which had self-set in the greenhouse, their orange flowers mingling with the late flowering purple Christmas cactus.
The white Arum lilies mingling with the yellow jasmine and red roses are a joy to see.  To sit, relax and listen to the humming insects rewards the gardener for their time, effort and hard work.

Julia Borland

Article submitted by Julia for the Team News

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