Sunday, May 25, 2014

Build Your Own Greenhouse

Nichola, who usually looks after our publicity has been busy with Adam, building a greenhouse and all to his design; I haven't heard if he takes commissions.

In the first of what may be the last, or perhaps the pathfinder to more, posting of members' gardens and projects here some some pictures as the greenhouse work progressed.


Frame growing
Frame Growing

Frame and footings
Frame and footings

Glazed and ready
Glazed and ready 
Tomatoes in beds
Nichola has her tomato plants in

Adam at work
Adam at work

Getting there
Getting there

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Peonies & Irises

Sue Applegate

Last evening we were fortunate to welcome, as our guest Speaker, Sue Applegate, once a farmer, then of Kelways and now an independent grower of beautiful peonies and irises. With illustrations, enthusiastic and informative talk and hands-on demonstration she guided us skilfully through the details of raising these beautiful blooms.
Hearing that peony seeds (the dark ones which the birds are more likely to ignore) only have about a 10% germination rate and that can even take up to 3 years, I realised why these can be amongst our dearer plants to buy.
Thank you Sue.

The New Greenhouse

Next post will be some pictures from Nichola, who is usually in charge of our publicity, who has been busy with Adam building their own greenhouse from an original design!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Gold Club Newsletter

We now have both printed and online copies of the latest Newsletter from the Gold Club (the printed one will be circulated at the next meeting) but just in case you can't wait till then, here it is ...

The Gold Club Newsletter Spring 2014, Front
The Gold Club Newsletter Spring 2014

The Gold Club Newsletter Spring 2014, p1
The Gold Club Newsletter Spring 2014, p1

The Gold Club Newsletter Spring 2014, p2
The Gold Club Newsletter Spring 2014, p2

Friday, May 9, 2014

Plant Sale and Community Coffee Morning

Saturday 10th May
10:30 to 12:00
Drimpton Village Hall

A good selection of plants to brighten your borders and hanging baskets, brought to you by Society members all at very good prices. Fuchsia, Geranium, Verbena, to name but three.
Naturally there will also be the usual great cakes, treats and fresh coffee.