Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Potato Day between the Showers

On the morning of Potato Day, I went round and checked the temporary signs I had put up to help with directions to Drimpton Village Hall, thankfully none had blown away through the stormy night. I decided to tie up a couple of extra ones and suddenly had to run for shelter as a huge rain shower swept across, followed within minutes by blue sky and sunshine - and so it was all day, alternating rain and sun greeting visitors to our Potato Day.

readying the displays
Chris with his Pennard team readying the displays of potatoes, plants, bulbs, seeds
Because of the weather and concerns about travelling we worried that no one would come, but gardeners are a hardy lot and, though we were a few people down on last year, it was still a busy, fun and worthwhile day, with Pennard bringing more potatoes than I'd ever seen - Chris and his team really work hard.

Just a few potatoes
There were plenty of people signing up for the Potato Growing Competition, so it should be fun on Show Day in August seeing how everyone got on.

Tea and cake
Taking a breather with tea and cake
The ladies (and yes I think it was exclusively ladies) worked really hard in the kitchen serving lunches, brunches, cake and drinks, especially keeping John and his team on car parking duty topped up with regular warming cuppas.

The busy kitchen team with tea and cakes
The hall stage was set, not for performance, but with Jenny and her helpers "Getting Creative" with potato prints and brushes to create lots of poppies - the creation will be up on Show Day in August as part of the Horticultural Society's contribution to help us pause and think about the commencement of the First World War and all that followed. In addition we are helping with a plan to have little plots of poppies grown in our villages.

Getting Creative
Getting Creative

Poppy making
Poppy making
So, the village hall is cleared, the crowds have ebbed away and now there will be lots of potatoes, sitting chitting, hopefully to produce some heavy and tasty crops later in the year.

Thank you to everyone who braved the elements and helped make it a great day, 
despite the weather.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Potato Day - This Saturday

Potato Day
Saturday 8th February 2014
10:30 to 2:30
Drimpton Village Hall  - For Sat Nav - DT8 3RF

Great Food and Children's activities

All Day brunches and refreshments

... and of course, loads of varieties of Potatoes, seeds, plants and more, plus advice and the company of fellow gardeners.

Road Works

If you are coming from the west of Drimpton, particularly the north west, which would bring you in along the B3162, you may see Wessex Water "Road Closed" signs. They are re-laying our water mains, and could be finished by the end of this week. Usually they have left the road passable for us, so you shouldn't have a problem; I will check with them on Friday - in any case the road is fully clear in and around Drimpton Village Hall (they are currently busy in Greenham).

As usual there will be signs up to guide you to Drimpton Village Hall (and if necessary around any road works) - just look out for signs like these:

Sample sign

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Latest from the RHS

Spring is in sight
  1. Kick-start your gardening year with the RHS London Plant and Design Show (please note the dates have changed to 21 - 22 February). You can book all 2014 flower show tickets now, with early bird discounts for certain shows until 28 February.

  2. Put a spring in your step with our podcastFebruary jobs and grow your own jobs. Plus courses at RHS Gardens can be booked now.

  3. The RHS Photographer of the Year 2013 is Heather Buckley; see winning images here.
That's just the highlights, for more visit the RHS page here