Sunday, January 27, 2013

RHS "The Garden"

The most recent copy has just arrived, lots to read, 
here are just a couple of items I thought to mention.

Award of Garden Merit (AGM)

I don't know about you, but I do find it useful to look out for the RHS Award of Garden Merit symbol when selecting plants and seeds. When the scheme started in 1992, it was agreed to carry out a review after 10 years, that has just happened and a revised list of AGM plants will be published at the RHS Plant and Design Show, 19-20 February and soon after on the RHS website - here
See page 46 "The Garden" February 2013

How hardy is that plant?

The RHS has revised and improved its system of rating plant hardiness. As it will be appearing on labels we'll have to get used to it!

See page 68 "The Garden" February 2013

Gardeners' Calendar

Always handy to see what needs doing and what may have been forgotten.
Find it here

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Quiz and Puds and People!

What an evening we had yesterday!

I don't know if the Bob's reputation as Quizmaster supreme, the warmth of Drimpton Village Hall or the tasty treats on offer - you could even buy a strip (of taster tickets) from Linda, our treasurer. Whatever the reason the hall was full with tables even up on the stage for a couple of the teams, there were 25 in all, including our guests from Chard Gardening Club.

The winning team was made up of golfing friends  They called themselves the  Glove-Lions. One member  holds a season ticket to support Yeovil Town and another is a one time steward at Millwall, yet still they managed to win!

Chard have invited four of our members to their Social Evening and 21st Birthday celebration (it is very social - their guest speaker had me in stitches when I went one year). This year it is on 9th May at 7.30 pm. For more details of this and to take up Chard's offer to join them on their coach trips - please contact Barbara for contact information.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Quiz and Puds ... and MORE!

A word to the wise

Wednesday is our popular Quiz and Puds night - but just a warning - don't have dinner before you come. This time there will be savouries too, for you to taste and enjoy - all prepared from recipes in the Drimpton Meets, Greets and Eats recipe book.

Come and have your taste buds, as well as your brain cells, tickled.

Quiz and Puds 

Wednesday 16th January 2013

Drimpton Village Hall
7.00 pm for 7:15 start