Sunday 5th June
The Big Lunch
(an Eden Project - see the web site)
Drimpton Village Hall Recreation Field
Sunday June 5th, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm
Bring your picnic rug, chairs, tables, games, umbrellas (for the sun
of course), drinks and lunch - grown yourself or locally sourced if
possible. Have fun in the field, or in the hall if wet.
Wednesday 15th June, 7:15 for 7:30 pm
Cultivating Herbs, talk and practical.
Becky Groves from Grove's Nursery
Don't forget to bring an exhibit along for "Flower of the Month"
Wednesday 20th July, meet at Drimpton, to depart 6:00 pm
Visit to Permaculture, Ourganics, Litton Cheney
and camp-fire picnic.
Meet at Drimpton Village Hall to combine transport and leave no later than 6:00 pm.
Saturday 13th August – 66th Annual Flower Show
Schedules are already available, if you haven't had one yet, please ask.