Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Programme of Events

Sunday 5th June
The Big Lunch
(an Eden Project - see the web site)
Drimpton Village Hall Recreation Field
Sunday June 5th, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm
Bring your picnic rug, chairs, tables, games, umbrellas (for the sun
of course), drinks and lunch - grown yourself or locally sourced if
possible. Have fun in the field, or in the hall if wet.

Wednesday 15th June, 7:15 for 7:30 pm
Cultivating Herbs, talk and practical.
Becky Groves from Grove's Nursery
Don't forget to bring an exhibit along for "Flower of the Month"

Wednesday 20th July, meet at Drimpton, to depart 6:00 pm
Visit to Permaculture, Ourganics, Litton Cheney
and camp-fire picnic.
Meet at Drimpton Village Hall to combine transport and leave no later than 6:00 pm.

Saturday 13th August – 66th Annual Flower Show
Schedules are already available, if you haven't had one yet, please ask.

Programme, Recent Talk - Pest & Disease Control

On Wednesday 18th May, the topic was Pest & Disease Control -
including organic and biological methods. The guest speaker was the Managing Director of the Gardens Group:
Mike Burks B.Sc. Hons. Hort.

(An honours degree graduate in Horticulture from the University of
Bath. Mike is one of the founders who set up Castle Gardens in 1987.
Brought up on an organic market garden, nursery and the garden centre,
horticulture is in his blood. He is the Managing Director of The
Gardens Group and has specific responsibility for Finance and Hardy

I don't know if the pests were quaking in their boots or burrows, but the feed-back was:
"Great speaker last night – both informative & entertaining…."

So, thank you Mike!


As a Society affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society we are able to receive and share information from them. That prompted us to think about creating a web presence, and here we are.

The blog will carry not just the advice from the RHS, but also information about the Society and its activities. Comments and contributions are both welcomed and easy to make. Just click on the comment button.