Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Coffee Morning Saturday 22 February.

Saturday 22 February will see our Chairman busy in the Drimpton Village Hall kitchen making yummy bacon baps & sausage baps. We will also be selling cakes, scones and, of course, my sausage rolls. Lucy will be showing us how to make excellent flower arrangements & we will be there from 10.30 until Noon, so come on in and say hello.

Club AGM

Don't forget the Garden Club AGM is next Wednesday, 19 February, at 7pm for 7.30pm, at Drimpton Village Hall. Great chance to meet the committee, hear what's been going on and what's planned for the future. Also, grab a sneaky free glass of wine & some nibbles.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Higgledy Gardens

Hi Everyone I'm sending a mail I received from the Higgledy Gardens people, who are a seed merchant specialising in flower seeds, and recommended by one of our speakers a couple of months ago. I've had seeds from them since then and just love their sense of humour, so thought I would share it with you.
Ahoy there fellow flower-o-philes, (That might not be a word.) I hope your Friday is going dashingly well and that you have a weekend of jollity and dazzlement ahead. (My spell check tried to change dazzlement to 'embezzlement' which didn't really seem to be in the spirit of what I'm attempting to get across, frankly.) Yes, I know some of you will be cross with me for starting ,my Christmas push in November but there is method in my madness. I'm simply being pragmatic. We are closing on Dec 16th to give the Higgledy elves a proper fortnight off...and also we don't like the stress of the last post dates, and parcels not arriving in time, and miffed customers throwing baubles at us.... So...we are starting this week to get a march on the affair. We are giving HG Christmas tags away with every order...they are hand printed and uber chic...all the cool cats want them. We also have two, utterly delightful (and discounted) bundles of 12 packets of annuals for a cut flower garden. £19.95 each. Thank you all so much for your support this year. It's tough in the business world right now, and we are so grateful for our loyal customers. Kindest regards Peace and love. Ben, Anne, Gemma, and Flash x (Click here to see the bundles in the shop.) Higgledy Garden Casper, Lapland canal.

Sunday, November 3, 2024


Wed 20th November   Ross Dickinson - Farming Today

Wed 11th December    Christmas Meal - Booking essential


Wed 15th January          Quiz & Puds evening - Booking essential

 Wed 19th February      Annual General Meeting

 Wed 19th March.         Members only Spring Show

Wed 16th April            The Gold Club - Garden Folklore

 Wed 21st May             Clive Groves - Trekking the Himalayas

Wed 18th June             The Commonwealth War Graves - Gardening the world

Wed 16th July             Social Evening

All talks start at 7.30pm at the Drimpton Village Hall, Chard Road, Drimpton DT8 3RF.

Doors open at 7pm for teas & coffees

Entrance fees: Free to members, £1 for non-members.

Membership for 2024/25 is £7 single and £12 for a joint membership.

The membership year runs from September to August & all subscriptions should be in by 31 October.

Benefits include:

1 Free entry to all talks

2 Discounts and vouchers from The Gardens Group & Groves Garden Centres

3 Club affiliations to the RHS, Dorset & Somerset Federations of Horticultural Societies