Monday, June 8, 2015

The programme ahead - June, July, August, September

Wednesday 17th June. 7:15 for 7:30pm

Summer Hanging Baskets - a Gold Club speaker

The Gold Club and their Gardens Group speakers are always top notch.

Wednesday 15th July. 7:15 for 7:30pm

The Somerset Wetlands - Mr D Briggs

After the troubles the levels and wetlands have faced in recent years, a brilliant topic.

Saturday 8th August 

70th Annual Show 

Now that really is an achievement- 70! Don't miss your entries and visitors are always welcome, it opens to the public at 2:15, with of course famous Drimpton food and hospitality.

Wednesday 16th September. 7:15 for 7:30pm

Bees and The Gardener - Mr Gerald Fisher

There can be few insects as crucial to successful gardening and indeed our food supply as bees, this should be a thoroughly interesting meeting.

Summer Show 2014
Summer Show, 2014 - Drimpton Village Hall